Painting Like A Pro: How To Avoid Brush Strokes

You want to know how to paint your furniture without brush strokes - that's why you're here! Now if you're using Fusion Mineral Paint, it's already self-leveling which goes a long way to achieving a great finish. But really, it comes down to your tools and techniques. We’ll share a few tips to help you beat the brush-stroke blues.
Pick a good paintbrush
You don't have to use the most expensive paintbrush out there to avoid brush strokes. Of course you can (and a cheap little chippie brush is unlikely to give you a nice finish) but it's important to find a good quality paintbrush that feels comfortable for you and that you can hold well. Everyone’s hands are built differently and what works for one person might not be the best for you.
One of our favourite brushes is the Staalmeester range. With a mix of synthetic and natural bristles, the synthetic bristles provide an even and smooth paint application while the natural bristles aid in better paint absorption. Brush shapes are a matter of preference; you can choose between an angled brush, a flat brush, or a rounded brush, whichever works the best for you and the area you're painting.
As you begin the painting process, make sure to fan through the brush’s bristles first and let some of them fall out (a good quality brush won't have many if any at all but you want to ensure no bristles transfer to the surface as you paint). Clean the brushes after every paint job to keep them in top shape.
Less (paint) is more
Less is more! Gobs of paint on your paintbrush is going to give you a thick uneven coat of paint on the surface of your piece full of brush strokes. It will also take longer to dry, so there’s a lot more room for error. A smooth finish will result from using one thin coat at a time. Patience is the key. Say it: less is best. It really is!
Dip your paintbrush into the container, then gently remove any excess paint on the brush on the edge of the container. The first layer of paint should be a light coat. It won't have full coverage, especially if you're going from dark to light. Carefully layering each thin coat will ensure a smooth finish. Slowly but surely wins the race.
An initial thin layer of Fusion Mineral Paint takes around two hours to dry before it’s ready for the next coat.
Paint in only one direction
Use nice long strokes with not a lot of pressure since pushing the brush too hard onto the surface may cause pooling and unnecessary dripping. Coat one end of the area to the other in a single direction. Do not start stop half-way through your surface and go back to the edge. If you go over where you painted in the opposite direction, that will create texture since the first coat is already starting to dry. Carry that brush with paint all the way to the other side. Also, brushing against the grain will leave evident brush strokes and the finish will be rough.
You can apply this technique easily on small pieces with a paintbrush, but you may have trouble doing this on extra big pieces of furniture or walls. We suggest switching to a lint-free microfiber roller for when working with large surface areas.
Use a paint conditioner
If you find the paint drying too quickly, add some paint conditioner to give yourself “more open time.” There are various products on the market. With Fusion Mineral Paint, you can use our eco-friendly Extender which:
- Enhances the flow of Fusion Mineral Paint
- Reduces wear on spray guns
- And (you guessed it) minimises brush and roller marks.
This coffee table was painted in Fusion Mineral Paint in the colour Seaside
Be kind to yourself
Light brush strokes aren’t that bothersome. Some of the most beautiful hand-painted pieces have a rustic yet modern appearance which can be just as gorgeous if not more stunning than factory-made pieces. By all means aim for that flawless finish if that is what you desire, but don't lose the joy of painting in your pursuit for perfection. Step back, take a look and be proud of what you've achieved.